We reach the so-called unreachable places as we went to various districts and corners of different villages all over the state. Though there were discouraging and unwelcomed instances, we did not stop giving the Word of Life. Jesus has to be given to all. This happened as we went not only to villages and towns but city parishes, other states like Maharastra, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala and other countries – Philippines, USA, Sri Lanka, Singapore. We were given the opportunity to reach out to special sections of people such as the Aged, the priests, religious, married couples, teachers, youth, children, hospital staff, catechists, unemployed, widows, orphans, etc. We preach retreats not only in English and Telugu (our local language) but also in Tamil. We also organize conventions and participate in huge religious conventions every year not only in the Hyderabad city but also other states and countries.