This is a group of young men and women with a great desire and dream to make a world of difference. It was started in 1998 when a number of young people getting attracted towards Jesus and were convicted to do something for His Kingdom. The Centre realized that the youth could be very effective in their ministry. And also they needed a constant boosting and spiritual input to keep them sustained in their lives amidst so many temptations and fancies of the world. The group began with 10 young girls and boys who committed their lives to Jesus and the works of the Centre. Now the group was renamed as Holy Spirit Society Young Apostles. From 10 the number has increased to 60 youth who assist in organizing programs, giving Jesus to the prisoners, sick, old, children, youth, other retreats in the Centre. They preach word of God through skits, dramas, songs, praise and worship etc. They are involved in all the works of the Centre in the little ways possible. Amidst their studies, work, family responsibilities, they generously give time for Jesus and the Centre in turn trains the groups in personality development, Spiritual activities, leadership training, etc.