Be the Light
Be a Blessing!

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:40

Our Needs

Seminary House in Madurai

Support the establishment and development of our seminary house in Madurai, where future priests and missionaries are formed to serve the Lord.

Seminary House in Karunapuram

Help us build and sustain the seminary house in Karunapuram to nurture vocations and spread the Gospel.

Vehicle for all the Houses

Transportation is essential for our mission. Your support can help provide a reliable vehicle to serve our communities efficiently.

Help for Food, Medicine, and Wages

Ensure that the children, elderly, and workers at Rakshana Deepam have access to essential food, medical care, and fair wages. Your kindness brings comfort and dignity to many.

Development of the Holy Land

Contribute to the growth and development of the Holy Land, supporting the spiritual mission and infrastructure of our community.

Pray and Support

Join us in prayer for the mission of Rakshana Deepam and the Society of the Holy Spirit. Your prayers and spiritual support make a powerful difference.

Ways to Get Involved

Sponsor a Child

Become a guardian angel by sponsoring a child at Rakshana Deepam. Your support can provide food, education, and care, helping them grow in love and joy.

Visit & Volunteer

Spend time with the children and inmates by visiting Rakshana Deepam. Play, share meals, and experience the joy of belonging to one human family.

Provide Meals

Support our mission by sponsoring or serving meals – breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Share the love of Christ through these simple yet profound acts of kindness.

Share Your Talents

Volunteer your skills – be it teaching, singing, or helping with crafts. Your time and talents can inspire and empower lives.